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CBS News, a Birthday Party Visit and More:  Meet Jason Weber 


Our driver Jason Weber recently helped celebrate the birthday of a little boy who loves garbage trucks. Jason has a knack for getting involved in his community. In 2020, CBS News even featured Jason for giving out treats to dogs along his route. He is a great member of our team who takes pride in his work. Let’s get to know him a bit better!

How long have you been with the Vogel family of companies?
“December 3 will be 11 years”

What motivates you at work?
“I enjoy the privilege of seeing smiling faces every day.”

What are some fun facts about you?
“I like hunting, fishing, and dogs.”

What does a day in your boots look like?
“A lot of miles day in and day out. I start around 1:30/2 A.M. and finish around 2 P.M. I could have up to 750 stops a day. Billy Schar (pictured left) is my right-hand man. He is a good, hard worker. He is like a brother to me; he always has my back.”

We are so grateful for all of our drivers, including Jason and Billy, for everything they do.